Move Over Kim Kardashian, Rachel Zoe Comes to ShoeDazzle

The Odd Couple: ShoeDazzle CEO with Stylist Rachel Zoe. Kimmy is MIA
Among many fascinating items and hot topics coming into The Recessionista’s in-box, one of the most amusing is the announcement that Rachel Zoe is now the Chief Stylist for the Kim Kardashian co-owned er low-priced online shoe retailer ShoeDazzle. I find this funny for a number of reasons. First, I thought that Kimmy was already the Chief Stylist at ShoeDazzle. Did Rachel just take her gig?
Second, what’s Rachel doing here ? ShoeDazzle isn’t exactly Neiman Marcus. Seems like Ms. Zoe is duplicating the same type of shoe styling she did over at Piperlime.
Most amusing to me is the press photo I received for publication. It’s a photo of Rachel Zoe with Brian Lee, not Kim Kardashian. I know right? Who is Brian Lee? Oh right, he’s the world famous CEO of ShoeDazzle. Apparently more famous than Ms. Kardashian. No! There’s gotta be a story here, otherwise there is no reason not to pose Kimmy with Rachel to maximize buzz for the ShoeDazzle brand.
Interesting that ShoeDazzle just did a “small layoff” pre-announcing Ms. Zoe as their new Chief Stylist. I’m just waiting for Rachel to pose alongside NeNe Leakes. Will Rachel recommend Nene’s heels in to her celebrity clients. Wouldn’t that be haute? 🙂