Pictured: A Beautiful Collection of Tiffany Keys
For some time, I have been lusting after a Tiffany Key pendant. I know that I am not alone in coveting this lovely object. Every weekend I see the adverts for the beautiful keys from Tiffany & Company in
The New York Times. Every weekend, I think, there must be way to get one of those keys. Little did I realize until I started researching them, that the keys are now being made in lower priced versions. Tiffany & Co. has had their key pendant collection for many years, making some of them with the priciest materials like
platinum and diamonds. These high-end materials sent the prices of the beautiful keys soaring into the range of the thousands. One key was actually $15,000. Enter the great recession and
Tiffany decided to make the keys in more
affordable versions with materials like sterling sliver.
Pictured: My personal favorite, the Floral Key
I hope we see more luxury retailers following this trend. After all, if the best things come in the Tiffany blue
box, why pay more when economical options are available? The blue box should be for everyone who enjoys beautiful things, not for just the elite who can afford the $15,000 platinum and diamond key. Luxury like everything else should come in many flavors. Check the under $150.00 link on
Tiffany.com. Tiffany blue boxes for all!