D’andrea Handbags: Stylish bags with a sense of humor
You have to love a handbag line that has a sense of humor. Who can resist an over sized, beautiful big leather bag called “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable” or “Mr. One Nighter” ? Made from soft Italian leather, the d’andrea bags looked like they just appeared as props in a “Sex and the City” movie. You can imagine Carrie, Samantha, Miranda or Charlotte each toting a bag from d’andrea’s Mister Collection. There’s Mr. Arrogant, Mr. Player, Mr. Precarious and Mr. Stalker. The bags come is a variety of shapes and sizes, but all are made with beautiful hardware and buttery soft leather. I’ve been carrying the compact “Mr. One Nighter” bag out in the evening to dinner and events and I love it. d’andrea gave me this little bag as a gift (for evaluation.) I had intended to give it away here on The Recessionista, but I love it so much I have to keep it! Sorry readers. I’m in love with “Mr. One Nighter” (the handbag, that is:) ) The bag is super stylish with a gold chain that you can double up or wear as a single strand for cross-body carrying. The bag is made of lambskin and is well priced at $145.00. In addition to being stylish, the bag is practical. My back is thanking me for carrying this bag. The bag holds just my essentials, money, lipstick, drivers licenses, one credit card and my iPhone. Packed with only a few essentials, the bag is stylish and light weight to carry. For a heavy bag, and a pricier one, have a look at “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable.” This bag is super sized and can carry a computer, iPad, lots of cosmetics and even some fleecy lounge wear for travel. With plenty of room at 16″H × 15″W × 4″D, the “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable” bag has enough room for your baggage and his too 🙂 The size of the bag and its leather material explain it’s $575.00 price tag.
Besides being attractive and well made, d’andrea bags have an extra plus. All the handbags are made here in the United States of America, employing American workers. Big props to d’andrea for creating jobs for American citizens and still keeping prices well below market rates for luxury bags. The bags are the brainchild of designer Nicole D’ Andrea who was inspired by her grandfather, an Italian cobbler. The designer’s experience (working at brands like BCBG ) and her eye for utility paired with style show in this unique collection. If you’re handbag lover, check out d’andrea. D”andrea is truly a fabuless find.