Holiday Shipping Deadlines: Dec. 21 is the Final Date for USPS Priority Mail

If you haven’t already shipped your holiday gift, remember that tomorrow, Monday Dec. 21 is the last day that you can send first class mail to be delivered before Christmas. This little tidbit of information comes from the United States Post Office website. If you were seeking to ship your gifts at the lower parcel post rates, that ship has already sailed. The Parcel Post deadline was Dec. 16th.
First Class Mail Dec-21
Priority Mail Dec-21
Express Mail* Dec-23
* Some Express Mail destinations may have extended service commitments
I learned quite painfully last year how important it is to pay attention to shipping deadlines. I ordered toys for my little niece and nephew for Christmas on Dec. 13th. Those toys did not arrive until after Christmas, because the retailer I purchased from didn’t actually ship the toys until Dec. 23! When they left the retailer on the 23rd, they were not shipped Express mail. The result, no toys! Disappointed, I found myself doing a last minute emergency in-store toy run at Kohl’s in North Carolina. Even worst, I was reduced to “fibbing” (inspired by my helpful and creative sister-in-law) to my niece and nephew about how an errant helper of Santa (a renegade Elf) had let some toys fall out of the sleigh.

I explained that the toys now had to be rerouted to North Carolina. My brother volunteered that the toys were most probably in Iceland, rather than the North Pole. Fortunately, the kids are little and they were accepting of this tall tale so long as their gift was not a lump of coal. So heed my advice and check those deadlines. Remember the importance of shipping tomorrow via USPS and the priority mail services. It’s worth a few extra pennies at this point if you want to get your gifts there. If you can’t get it in the mail tomorrow, then pick it up in store and deliver it yourself (packed in a duffle bag or a suitcase if you are flying.) If you are doing last minute online shopping, be sure to check with any retailer you buy from about when they will ship, and if the item you are buying is already in stock. Forewarned is forearmed.
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