Katy Perry New Face of H&M Holiday Campaign

Singer Katy Perry will front H&M’s 2015 Holiday Campaign
Look for pop icon Katy Perry on H&M Holiday Campaign adverts starting this November. The discount retailer H&M will add Katy Perry to their stable of celebrities like David Beckham who will front H&M campaigns. With H&M paying high fees to the likes of Katy Perry and Beckham, I can’t help but wonder how they can keep prices so low. “H&M was one of the places where I first began cultivating my personal style. I have continued to love integrating H&M pieces into my wardrobe throughout the years. One of the reasons I love the holidays is being able to dress cozy and cute, which H&M executes so well for every budget. I can’t wait for you to see the world we created with Jonas Åkerlund and Dan Jackson,” says Katy Perry. Head over to H&M to see Katy Perry curated Holiday Collection at H&M.
I like the $19.99 red dress the singer models and the holiday jewelry that is part of the campaign ads.