Lilly Pulitzer Returns Trickle Into Target Stores

This cute Lilly Pulitzer for Target make-up bag was on the rack with other generic make-up bags. The price was $24.99.
Several of you have written in to ask about Lilly Pulitzer for Target in-store. Yes, readers, the returns are slowly trickling in. Target Addict has seen them and so have I. I stopped by two Targets today looking for Lilly Pulitzer returns and both stores had a bit of Lilly on the racks. I saw chairs, umbrella stands, beauty cases, nail files and a few dresses and tops. There wasn’t a lot of the elusive Lilly for Target collection, but there was enough to make the trip worthwhile. Buying at the Target price and doing a little hunting beats shopping the mark-ups on the Lilly Pulitzer collection at eBay. At the time of this blog post, there are still over 13,000 Lilly Pulitzer for Target items for sale on eBay. If people don’t buy them, you can still expect to see them returned. Although the 14 day return period is over for refunds, I think customers can still return items for store credit, so if you love Lilly Pulitzer, keep checking your local Target. Here’s a few tips.

Lilly Pulitzer for Target dresses on a rack amidst the xhilaration and Mossimo apparel.
Look throughout the your Target store for the items, as Lilly is in various locations. Most stores won’t have one single area with all the returns on display. At the first store I went to all the Lilly for Target items were up front by the cash registers. At the second Target store I went to, items were scattered throughout the store in apparel, beauty and housewares. Just spend a little time looking and be sure to ask Target employees if they have seen any of the Lilly for Target items. Good luck searching for the returns. If you invest a little time, you just might score some Lilly. If you missed getting your Lilly for Target, then check out the sales online at the Lilly Pulitzer website.