Memorial Day Weekend Travel Deals
If you are planning to travel for Memorial Day Weekend (May 28-30) then you might want to check out some travel deals and apps to help you get savings. Whether you are roadtripping or flying to a vacation destination, there are some travel deals on our radar and apps you should check out.
- If you’re looking for hotel deals, have a look at Cheap Tickets. The travel consolidator is offering discounts at select hotels if you book by May 22, 2016. Cities with discounts on luxury hotels include Los Angeles, New York City, Orlando, Miami and Las Vegas. Discounts range from 15% to 33% off your selected hotel stay. Use code MAYFLOWER when you book a hotel stay to save a guaranteed 17 percent off your hotel stay at checkout when you enter the code.
- If you’re looking for quality for price, check the hotel reviews on Trip Advisor and then book your Memorial Day hotel getaway. I really rely on reviews from other travelers when choosing where to stay and Trip Advisor is the perfect marriage of authentic tips and discounts. Trip Advisor will offer comparative pricing from different travel sites so you can get the best deal.
- For last minute hotel stays, use the mobile app Hotel Tonight. This app is really useful for finding deals when you are looking to book a hotel room at the last minute or on the go. The app uses GPS to locate the best hotel deals in your area, or you can type in a zip code. Available on Android and iPhone, you just need to book the day of your stay.
- For deals on car rentals, hotels, flights and even spa treatments, click over to Travelzoo.
If you’re driving and check out these mobile apps recommended by Gazelle.com:
- Roadtrippers— iOS, Android, web
Just like the name suggests, this is the ultimate road trip app and guide. By simply plugging in a starting location and destination, Roadtrippers helps you plan your trip and identify unique attractions, restaurants, museums, campsites, and even amusement parks along the way. - GasBuddy — iOS, Android, BlackBerry, web
If you’re driving on Memorial Day weekend, use this mobile app to find the cheapest prices on gas. Do your research on where to fill up your tank before you start your trip, and then find out where to refill inexpensively while you are on the trip.
Readers, do you have any great travel deals you’d like to share? Leave a comments and let us in on your favorites.