Product Review: DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand at Target

My Fall Fashion Staple: Levi’s dENiZEN Jeans at Target
For the last two months, I’ve been on the road traveling. From New York City, to Las Vegas, to Los Angeles to Monterey, there’s been one staple in my wardrobe: DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand Jeans. I purchased these jeans at my local Target for under $30.00. Best of all, a few months ago, I bought a pair of skinny DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand (curvy style) and a pair of boot cut DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans during a Target “Buy 1, get 1 for 50% off” special. I love both pairs and have been taking them everywhere. Back in my 20’s I wore a lot of Levi’s, from the unforgiving 501’s to the super tight skinny jeans. Back then, I used to wash the jeans and dry the jeans in the dryer on high heat to make them super form fitting and then lay on the bed to zip them up, or jump into them on the floor. Thank god those days are gone! Now, with the the DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans I can simply pull my jeans on– these jeans have stretch in them so they are easy on, and easy to wear all day.

The Women’s Essential Stretch Modern Jean in Light Denim from dENiZEN priced at $27.99 at Target.
These jeans are comfortable to wear all day sitting on the plan, running around New York for fashion week (whether you’re walking, taking the subway or getting in and out of cabs.) The pants come in high-rise or low-rise so you can pick how you want them to fit at the waist. You can also pick the length. The jeans come in long, short or regular length. Sizes run from size 2 to size 18, accommodating a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The price is under $30.00, approximately half the price of a pair of Levi’s Bold Curve Skinny Jeans (priced at $60.00.)
For a sophisticated look, I’ve been pairing my black DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand skinny jeans with designer tops from Jil Saunder to Elie Tahari tops and even my good Chanel jackets. The skinny jeans are surprisingly slimming. Remember the Sex and the City episode where Miranda complained that she hadn’t been able to wear her skinny jeans since 1985? Skinny jeans from some brands are so form fitting and confining, like Miranda, you feel like you can’t breathe after you zip them up. Not so the DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand skinny jeans. They fit well, slim the figure and best of all, they are super affordable. The comfortable fit is from the design of the jeans as well as the fabric. The fabric content is a blend of of 81 %: Cotton, 17 %: Polyester, and 2 %: Elastane designed to S-T-R-E-T-C-H.

It’s about the stretch with LEVI”s deNiZEN jeans.
I’ll be writing more about my new love affair with the DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans in upcoming posts and showing off pictures of me wearing the jeans paired with everything from designer fashions to Target and vintage items. I’m so pleased with the jeans, I’ve become a brand ambassador for DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans. If you read here regularly, you know that I am very choosy about the brands I endorse. I’m proud to be a DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans “Tastemaker”, and you’ll notice the “Tastemaker logo” on the right side of The Recessionista. Levi’s did gift me with one pair of DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand skinny jeans for this review, but I liked the jeans so much I purchased two more pairs and paid for them. This is a brand I sincerely like and feel comfortable in. I wouldn’t recommend it to my readers if it wasn’t something I would wear and pay money for.
If you’re like me, and you had not checked out Levi’s for a while , you’ll want to visit your local Target store and try on a pair of DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans. They may not have all the lengths and styles you like, but go to the store and try on a pair, then you know what size to order online. There is more variety of length of the jeans online at
If you’re traveling, these are the jeans to pack! I’ve already logged miles in mine. I like the curvy skinny jeans for day wear, and the DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand essential stretch skinny jean in black (more form fitting) for evening wear.
Have you tried DENIZEN from the Levi’s brand jeans yet readers? If so, leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.