
Selling, Sharing & Buying with Passubuy

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Passubuy : A brand new selling platform .

With the Memorial Day Weekend coming up, now is a good time to start doing to some wardrobe or even household cleaning. Most of us have a purse or a clothing item in our closet we haven’t worn in a while. How great would it be to be able to sell those items to people you know and trust a make some cash for your efforts. That’s the premise of a new selling platform called Passubuy.  The Passubuy concept may be more timely than ever with the news that a large online auction site was recently hacked.  233 million people  who use eBay lost their names, emails, birth dates and telephone numbers to Hackers from March to April of this year. Now in addition to untrustworthy sellers, eBay users have to worry about what will happen to their confidential information. So what about selling just to people in your Facebook friend network? People you know and trust.  That’s what Passubuy is all about.

Coach handbag

A Coach handbag on sale for $150.00 is one of the offerings on Passubuy.

My recent tour of Passuby listings turned up a brand new pair of  Nine West Boots that had never been worn as well as a beautiful Coach handbag.   Both look like great fashion deals to me.  With designer fashion finds  at discounted prices like these, I was hooked.

So how does Passubuy work if you want to sell something?  Just like you do with online auction services or craigslist you start by taking a picture of what you want to sell, writing the best marketing description you can and setting a fair/attractive price.  Next,  you post the item you are selling on Passubuy, then share it to Facebook.  Once you list your item, your item gets shared with your friends by being posted directly to your Facebook timeline.   This exponentially expands your marketing reach, by letting your friends share the listing with their Facebook friends by “passing” it on.  Facebook friends can share your listing up to two times….that’s a nice free marketing tool right? The sharing of your listing costs you,  the seller,  nothing. Word of Mouth Marketing has been shown to be on of the most valuable marketing tools. According to a McKinsey& Company study , “a high-impact recommendation—from a trusted friend conveying a relevant message, for example—is up to 50 times more likely to trigger a purchase than is a low-impact recommendation.”Why? Because we all are willing to  listen more to the recommendations of friends and family than to sale pitches from strangers.

nine west boots

The “Pass It On” button (on the right) shows how much friends will earn for sharing an item.

Those who help you sell by passing on your listing share in your profits.  Here’s how. Whenever your friends Pass your item on, they make 2% of the sale when someone purchases that item.   It’s very easy to share a listing.  You simply “hover”  over the “Pass It On” button listed with an item.  When you do that, you’ll see  the incentive amount you’ll receive for sharing (see the photo above of the Nine West listing.)   Then, simply press the “pass it on button” and you’ll be able to share this listing with your Facebook network.So how much does this cost sellers? Here’s some good news. Passubuy allows individuals to make money without buying or selling anything. Unlike other services, it costs you nothing to lists your item for sale.  You only pay when your item sells.  When the item sells, you pay Passubuy a 10% transaction fee. If you’re interested in checking out Passubuy, you can join by logging into the site with your Facebook account.  You can browse items already for sale and you can also invite your Facebook friends to join.  To increase your chances of social shares, you may wish to invite your friends to the service, before you list an item. Check out this cute video to hear a little more about how Passubuy can help you utilize your Facebook community of friends to help you sell.

I’m not here to push the Passubuy service, but I think it’s a great idea. Facebook is an extremely popular Social Network.  According to Facebook’s financial reports, “As of the first quarter of 2014, Facebook had 1.28 billion monthly active users.”  That makes Facebook at great network to share your  sale items with.   If you check out Passubuy, let me know what you think.  For more information on how to get started, visit Passubuy on the web or check out the Passuby Facebook page.

Note: This is a sponsored post and in the interests of full disclosure, please know that I am being compensated for my time to share this contest with you.  However, the opinions in this post are mine and are not the views of any paid sponsor.   Every promotion that appears on The Recessionista is a product that I believe offers quality and value for price. 


Since 2008, Mary Hall has been the author of The Recessionista Blog, which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 160 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine, ABC News, NBC News and now The Huffington Post, among many others.