Recently, my sister & I took a little trip down memory lane to visit some thrift shops. I had been a thrift shop & vintage clothing junkie through college and then later in graduate school. There was a time in graduate school when almost every single piece of my everyday wear was from a thrift shop. Ah, the good old days of living on the cheap, wearing 1920s, 1960s & even 1950s day dresses to class. Recently I was interviewed by the college paper at the University of Kansas and we talked about how important thrift shops & thrift shop fashion can be to young people. And that put me in mind of thinking about thrift shops & holiday shopping.
Dolls in the Window of the Yellow Brick Road Thrift Shop in Carmel, CA
Fortunately, my sister had made some wonderful discoveries that she shared with me when I went to visit her in Northern California. Check out the beautiful row of dolls in the window of the Yellow Brick Road Thrift store in Carmel, CA. This place was amazing! They have it all. Great clothing for men & women, holiday decorations, books, toys …its literally a treasure trove. My little niece would be delighted to receive anyone of the beautiful dolls pictured in the window here.
Below is their full display window showing their wide array of great gifts for those of us trying to play Santa on a Budget this year.

Books, Clothes, Dolls, & Holiday Decorations at The Yellow Brick Road
In about a 10 mile radius we discovered a plethora of great thrift, consignment and resale shops in the Pacific Grove, Monterey & Carmel area. I was really amazed at the variety, great condition of the merchandise and the prices. Onward to the charming town of Pacific Grove we speed and made another great discovery: The Treasure Shop. Some names just fit a place like a glove and this is one of them. The Treasure Shop is chock full of great items. Check out some of the photos on their web page to see for yourself. My sister scored a pair of new silk pajamas and a great robe there for a total of $20.00.
The Treasure Shop Thrift Store in Pacific Grove, CA
Somewhere in every city, there are great places like these offering affordable gifts if you take the time to look. I know in Los Angeles, I have picked up great items at the NCJW/LA (National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles) shop.
For men, check out great winter coats & vintage finds at Salvation Army shops around the US.
In New York bargains abound for men, women & children at thrift & resale shops throughout the city. When in New York city, I used this
handy listing as a guide to shopping thrift & consignment stores.
For our international readers, here are a few of my favorites:
If you live in London, look for great items at the Oxfam thrift store.
In Paris, I checked out some of the designer depots referenced in a recent article.
Here is the link for your reference. Also, in Europe local markets provide another means of picking up great, low-cost gift items. You just have to pick your way through all the items and choose carefully.
And of course, for me the universal, worldwide thrift shop is
eBAY. Yes, its got everything and it enables Recessionistas to trade with other Recessionistas to get what they want at the best price.
So, check out the thrift stores for gifts. They can be the Recessionista’s secret weapon to help you stay within your budget and avoid credit card debt while still giving some great gifts. Remember, most of the thrift stores don’t take credit cards. Shopping is by cash or check only, so remember that before you head out. Thrift shopping takes a bit more time, but the rewards can be very worthwhile.
Readers, if you have a favorite tip for thrift shopping, please send us a post. We’d love to hear from you!