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The Recessionista Blog is back… for now, thank you readers!
As some loyal readers and Twitter followers of @Recessionista know, the blog went down and off of Blogger (blogspot) on April Fool’s day (no joke) and just returned, about 20 minutes ago (Sunday night, April 3.) I found out the Blog had been take off the air by loyal Twitter follower and fellow blogger @readywriting. My heart skipped a beat. I ran to the nearest Internet access point, and realized this was no April Fools joke. Why was the blog down? Apparently, it was mistakenly detected as spam by a Blogger Algorithm so robots disabled it! Go figure. In the end, only human intervention by a guy name Brett at Blogger, who I think read all the Tweets and my post on The Chic Bargainista, bought The Recessionista back here to its original home.
Now, I learned a very serious lesson here, web data can be down in the blink of an eye, and Blogger doesn’t have a support help line like an ISP that a Blogger can call for help. Blogger also doesn’t send an email to the Blog owner to give them any notice or warning. All this leads me to contemplate the future of The Recessionista. In the meantime, if you read here and you work on a PC or on the web, especially if you write or blog, back up all your data! You better believe I am working on this now, and saving the latest versions of my web templates now.
Readers, thank you for all your messages over the weekend. I love all my readers, Twitter followers and Facebook friends!! I’ve never felt so supported. Thank you! The power of Social Media & community is great!