New York Fashion Week
DKNY’s Beautiful Tribute to September 11. Never Forget.

DKNY Sept 11 program from NYFW
Today is Sept. 11. As everyone knows this is the day 20 years ago when when the city of New York was horribly attacked and the World Trade Center Towers collapsed.
Thinking about it this morning and looking back, I couldn’t help but think about the New York Fashion Week (NYFW) program DKNY Spring 2012 show. It’s not often that the designer’s notes for their NYFW show make me cry, but this one did. My sister lived in New York for 20 years. She was in the city near the World Trade Center on the morning of the attacks. When I saw DKNY’s NYFW program remembering September 11, my eyes filled with tears. The program said:
“We remember the day that changed our city forever. We remember the courage. The inspiration, the compassion. How we came together. Reaffirming our strength to the world. There truly is no place anywhere like our beloved city New York.” – DKNY
On September 11, I remember how my sister walked almost 10 miles that day and eventually made it home and to safety, away from the disaster. It was a horrible day. She told me the only positive energy she felt that day was from other New Yorkers and she was proud about how everyone came together. I sent her the DKNY program from the show and she told me the words on it were exactly how she felt. Because of that, I thought it was worth posting the program again and remembering how New Yorkers came together on this day 20 years ago. I was so happy that our beloved city of New York was saved. And that my sister was safe.
Wherever you are today readers, take a moment and give thanks and remember those who were lost on that terrible day of tragedy.
Postscript: This is an update of a post originally posted on Sept. 12, 2012, 10 years after 9/11, when New York City had only just recently reopened. I was very moved by the NYFW Program from DKNY and it’s sentiment.