
The Donald Goes Recessionista: Donald Trump Flies Coach

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Pictured: Donald Trump Flies Coach from  the January issue of Life & Style Magazine.

Is it frugality or simple practicality that lead millionaire Donald Trump to fly coach on a  recent Jet Blue flight from New York City to Palm Beach?  Only his hairdresser may know for sure. I was reading one of my favorite guilty pleasures this week, Life and Style Magazine, and stumbled upon this delicious picture of Mr. Trump in economy or coach class. Have any of you seen this one?

I find it fascinating that Trump mingled with the peeps in steerage (aka economy).   In my frugal fantasy, I picture him scrunched up in the middle seat, crunching on those crazy “blue” Jet Blue chips and wishing he could fire someone for putting him anywhere but at the sharp end of the plane.  But that may have not have been the case at all. Maybe Trump just figured it was a short trip, so why waste money by spending for a first-class ticket?  He may be holding onto his money with a tighter reign that ever imagined.   I wonder how  his wife Melania’s jewelry is selling on QVC? 🙂  By selecting QVC for her jewelry collection, Mrs. Trump appears to enjoy a bargain. Or at least enjoy selling a bargain.  Maybe her wealthy husband does too.

There’s also the possibility that this was a calculated publicity stunt on Trump’s part. After all, he keeps hinting he may be considering a run for President.   “For the first time in my life, I’m actually thinking about it [running for president],” Trump told Fox News Channel. He added, “I see what’s going on with this country and it’s never been worse. What’s happening is a disgrace.” He’ll have to do more than economize by flying coach to convince me he can make meaningful changes.


Since 2008, Mary Hall has been the author of The Recessionista Blog, which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 160 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine, ABC News, NBC News and now The Huffington Post, among many others.