Fashion Show Raises $3.6 Million for Global Down Syndrome Foundation
Some A list celebrities with special needs family members joined forces this week to put on a fashion sow to help people with Down Syndrome. Eva Longoria and Jamie Fox turned out with their siblings to lend support and help raise founds. The Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s 9th annual Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show (BBBY) once again successfully raised critical funding to improve the lives of people with Down syndrome. The show celebrated the beauty of all participants including beautiful models with Down syndrome who stole the show. I love seeing this diversity on the runway and the models in this show are smiling and having fun–something you don’t typically see at New York Fashion Week. I have no idea what designers these models wore, but who cares? They were obviously feeling good and enjoying themselves no matter their shape, size or height.

Eva Longoria with DeOndra Dixon (Photo Jensen-Sutta-Photography)
Proceeds from the evening have reached nearly $3.6 million, including a $1 million gift from The Salah Foundation, adding to the over $14 million already raised in the previous eight fashion shows held by Global Down Syndrome Foundation. These fashion shows fund critical research conducted by the Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome on the Anschutz Medical Campus and Sie Center for Down Syndrome at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Here’s to many more of these fashion shows with these talented kids!