Pictured: Jackie’s 60’s style, she is gone but her memory lingers on in TV shows like Mad Men’s vintage costumes.
A brief glance at Huff Post style and Elle online reminded me that today is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’s 80th birthday. I found myself grinning and wondering what she would be wearing today. I’m sure she would still be shopping at her usual haunts in NY and looking for the latest styles. I have heard stories about how if “Jackie” liked something she would buy 20 of the same item in different colors. She did this with shoes, scarves and other accessories. Later gossip has it that she would take the “extras” and send an assistant off to a high-end consignment store to sell her cast-offs. She was certainly no recessionista, but I like to think that she supported other recessionistas by letting them buy her designer clothes for less. Her style was elegant and tres chic. I loved her triple strand of pearls, her pill box hats and her boucle suits. Her signature style looks as fresh today as it did then. How do I know this? Well just take a look around. Case in point, the wardrobe on the popular TV show
Mad Men. The wonderful dresses worn by the actresses on the show could’ve stepped right out of a Jacques Lowe photo of Jackie.If you like
Mad Men, I’ve got some good news. They are doing a little contest with Banana Republic and the winner will get to appear on the TV show. Here’s the low down. Stop by a Banana Republic store and receive your casting call entry code. Then, take a picture of yourself in a
Mad Men style outfit. Think Jackie if you are a women. For men, I’m thinking Rock Hudson in
Pillow Talk is the one to channel. Then, go to this website and enter. The winner will receive a $1,000 Banana Republic gift card & a walk- on role in
AMC’s Mad Men. Click here to get on the 60’s style road. Below is a sample Banana Republic outfit similar to one worn on the show.

Pictured: Sample BR style board for a Mad Men look
The Madman contest also lets you create your own avatar (thanks for that Target Addict). Here’s my avatar in my best Jackie look complete with 3 strand pearls.
Pictured: The Recessionista’s Madmen avatar
My own suggestions for the look, a classic vintage Cassini look:

Happy Birthday Dear Jackie! Thanks for so much more than 1,000 days.

Pictured: Oleg Cassini’s memoir of Jackie’s style, bearing his autograph on the cover.