
Pantone Declares Greenery is the Color of 2017

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Pantone Greenery

Pantone has announced that Greenery, a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade is the color for 2017.

It’s light, it’s positive and it can be calming as it signifies natures and trees.  That’s why Pantone has announced that Greenery,  nature’s neutral is the color for 2017.   Pantone  has said that “the more submerged people are in modern life, the greater their innate craving to immerse themselves in the physical beauty and inherent unity of the natural world. This shift is reflected by the proliferation of all things expressive of Greenery in daily lives through urban planning, architecture, lifestyle and design choices globally. A constant on the periphery, Greenery is now being pulled to the forefront – it is an omnipresent hue around the world.”

What is the PANTONE Color of the Year?

A symbolic color selection; Greenery can be interpreted as a symbol of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude.  Several retailers and designers are already showing Greenery in their designs and products. Now that Pantone has declared it the official color of 2017, you can expect to see it on the runways and New York and London Fashion Week!

nina shoes

Nina Apple Green “greenery shoes” are now on sale for under $60.00 US.



Since 2008, Mary Hall has been the author of The Recessionista Blog, which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 160 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine, ABC News, NBC News and now The Huffington Post, among many others.