Beauty products
The Recessionista Reviews Radical Skincare

The Radical Skincare family.
Before the holidays I was invited to a party for the new Radical Skincare line and was introduced to this Los Angeles based skincare line. Since then, I’ve been using the products and evaluating them. With prices from $45.00 to $175.00, this is a luxury skincare line sold at Sephora, Dermstore, Bloomingdales, Barneys and the Radical website. I was gifted with a range of the products to evaluate them. Because the products are pricey, I wanted to take my time trying them before writing about them. So is Radical Skincare good stuff? Yes it is. Here’s why I like these gentle, made in the USA skincare products.

The Radical Skincare Suite of products and their retail prices.
I’ve always invested in my skincare with both low-cost and high-cost products. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, getting plenty of sleep and staying out of the sun are must-dos. But using quality products on your precious skin is also a must. The cool thing about the Radical products is they give you the same results at home that you would get from a good, high-quality facial at a spa. They are also free of parabens (which can cause estrogen disruption), sulfates ( a possible skin irritant) and phthalate (can change hormone level) which are found in many over the counter cosmetics and skincare products. The revitalizing mask is particularly effective and offering the same result as an enzyme facial, sloughing off dead skin. I have the Radical Moisturizing creme but haven’t tried it yet because my skin is so oily at the moment, I haven’t needed it. I’ll review that later when I get around to needing it. Here’s what I have tried from Radical Skincare:
Radical Age-Defying Exfoliating Pads price $75.00 (60 pads) These little pads are full of Alpha hydroxy acids and Beta hydroxy acids. Like a good glycolic peel, this pads help to boost skin cell growth. They also tighten pores and help to inhibit acne. The pads are more gentle than a full-on peel, so you don’t have to enter a witness protection program after you use them and hide out for a week as your skin peels off.
Radical Revitalizing Mask price $65.00- This is my favorite product in the line and in my opinion the best value for price. This mask is like getting a quick facial at home. This tingling masks goes to work to revive and hydrate the skin with a snap, crackle , pop type of effect. The product foams and pops as it sits on the skin. You leave it on 3-5 minutes. Don’t leave it on any longer than that or you won’t achieve the desired results. The Radical Revitalizing Mask gave my skin a nice rosy glow. Recommended use is twice a week or as needed. I like using it before a special event. After the mask, I can get by with a very minimal and natural make-up application.
Radical Youth Infusion Serum price $170.00. I have been using this rich serum in the evenings before I go to bed on my face and my neck. The serum contains Hyaluronic Acid, a natural substance present in the body. As an arthritis suffer, I know this type of acid has been used to help provide joint lubrication. Hyaluronic Acid is also used by some surgeons to pump up lips as a “filler.” From my use, I found the Radical Youth Infusion Serum to definitely be hydrating and moisturizing. I’m not sure about its anti-aging properties, although some groups think that Hyaluronic Acid reduces the signs of aging. If you’re interested in trying this, visit Sephora, Bloomingdale’s or Barney’s and try a sample before you invest $170.00.
If you’re interested in trying Radical, you might want to try the Radical Starter Kit for $99.00 (valued at $197.00.) The starter kit lets you try the products in small sizes to see if they work for you. The starter kit offers 15 x Age-Defying Exfoliating Pads, 0.5 oz Peptide Infused Antioxidant Serum, 0.5 oz of the Anti-Aging Restorative Moisture and the 0.17 oz Eye Revive Crème. The kit is perfect for the traveler, especially since travel on airplanes dries the skin.
The story behind Radical is as interesting as the products themselves. This line is created by two sisters Liz and Rachel Edlich, who are skincare industry veterans. Radical Skincare products are built with a “maximum potency” technology– Trylacel technology -loaded with anti-oxidants designed to repair and soothes skin. The sisters designed the products to deal with skin problems like rosacea and aging skin. In a USDA lab test the Radical Skincare products were found to be 300% more effective than leading skincare brands. It’s hard to argue with those results.

Mary of The Recessionista meets Radical Skincare user & investor Melanie Griffith.
Recently actress Melanie Griffith, a user of the Radical products, invested in the Radical Skincare products. I had the pleasure of meeting Melanie and talking to her about Radical. She’s a true believer in the products. You can hear Melanie talk about her use of Radical Skincare in a this video. Other celebrities who are Radical Skincare customers include Jamie Lee Curtis, Eva Longoria, Jane Fonda, Demi Moore, Shirley MacLaine and Kate Hudson. Read the product reviews on Sephora and you’ll discover celebrities aren’t the only ones who love Radical Skincare. It’s good stuff. If you try it or if you’re already a customer, leave a comment and let me know your opinions.