For some time I have wanted an
Anya Hindmarch bag. I have gazed at them with envy in Harrod’s on each trip to London. However, I just was never able to bring myself to spend the equivalent of a mortgage payment for one of her bags 🙂 So I was delighted when my favorite big box retailer,
Target, announced that they were bringing out a discount collection of Anya Hindmarch hangbags. As all readers of the Target blogs, Vogue and the
Budget Fashionista know, the bags were supposed to be available at Targets on Sunday, Oct. 12. However, the search for the elusive bags became for me like a quest for the Holy Grail! I ended up going to 4 different Targets before finding mi amour, the above AH Chocolate Tote Bag. Ironically, this IS a Plastic BAG, the kind Anya spoofed a few years ago on her little cloth tote bag. However, for $49.99, this plastic looks rich! This is one time I have to say the Target item actually looks good, and not cheap as some of their other collections have. I purchased the tote and the
Hobo Bag. Weary of searching Targets in the Los Angeles area, I ordered the
Satchel bag online.
Based on what I saw of the collection , the PVC materials and the cute little gold plated AH bow on the front of the tote bag, I would rate this a winner.
I think these will sell out, as they did in the UK. So my recessionistas, grab a bargain while you can. Believe me , they won’t last! 🙂
UPDATE 10-24-08: Two of the AH Target Bags are already sold out:
Anya Hindmarch® for Target® Large Shoulder Bag – Navy/ Black