Target Collections
How to shop Phillip Lim for Target: The Recessionista’s Guide

Garments from Target’s Lim 3.1 Lookbook
As most fashionistas know, the Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target collection arrives in Target stores and online this Sunday, Sept. 15th. A few of you have written in to ask if I have any tips for shopping this collection. I wish I had the magic recipe to tell you how to get in and get what you want effortlessly and without fighting the crush. I don’t have any magic tricks for this one, but here are my best practices for shopping the collection based on my past experience with Target designer collections.
Tips for Shopping Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target
- Get there early, say 1 hr to 45 min if you are serious about getting items. I expect lines at stores in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and other major metropolitan areas. Stores will open at 8 am.
- Shop online on in the early hours of the morning say between 3 am and 5 am….the collection may go live earlier, even after midnight on 9/15, but there’s really no predicting. There’s also no predicting how will perform. It may go down as it did during the Missioni mad rush.
- Expect the eBay sellers. They will be there. It is their festival! Hopefully Target puts some control on them, so there are no more than 5 items they can buy at a time. The New York Shopping party had its share of eBayer’s there last week, and there are already items on eBay selling at absurd prices. Don’t pay them. If you don’t pay them, they will be returned to Target as the Missioni items were. I ended up buying a good deal of Missioni for Target on the clearance racks after it had been returned to Target when it didn’t sell for inflated prices on eBay. Remember, patience is a virtue and The Recessionista’s best friend. There is no need to pay the jacked up eBay prices….you could just go buy real Phillip Lim 3.1 for that!
- Follow the bloggers on sale day for updates via Twitter and Facebook. Sites like @Racked, @RackedLA and The @Recessionista will all be live tweeting the line and the sales. Follow our updates. Also, follow the hashtag #philliplimfortarget to see what’s happening on sale day. Hopefully, it won’t be too crazy.
- Use your social networks to help you find what you want. If your store is sold out of handbags, a friend on Facebook or Twitter, or Google+ might be able to find it for you at their store. That saves you paying premium eBay prices. Have your wish lists ready on Sept 14th to share with your friends who are also shopping.
- Check your Target on the evening of Sept. 14th. There’s always a few stores who get the stock in early and go ahead and put it out. Call to ask your local stores. Sometimes, you can find the goods early and avoid the mob.
That’s all. Did I miss anything? If so, leave me a comment! Good luck with your shopping on Sunday.
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