Schwarzkopf Professional’s Wish it, Pin it, Win it Contest

The new Schwarzkopf Professional Wish it Pin It Win it contest offers some fabulous prizes
Interested in winning a trip to New York Fashion Week? Or maybe a new MacBook? Perhaps you yearn for some extra cash to go on a shopping spree? Who doesn’t want ALL of these things! That would be #ME, but I know it’s also #YOU 🙂 That’s why you want to get into a new Pinterest contest sponsored by the professional hair care line Schwarzkopf Professional. To celebrate the launch of their two new OSiS products, Gelastic & Rough Rubber for styling hair, Schwarzkopf Professional invites you to “wish it, pin it, and win it! ” Here’s what you need to do.
To enter, simply:
These are some of Schwarzkopf Professional Pinterest contest’s amazing prizes: Gift cards, trip to New York Fashion Week and more!
1) Create a board on your personal Pinterest page called “Schwarzkopf Professional Wish it, Pin it, Win it”
2) Follow Schwarzkopf Professional USA on Pinterest
3) Repin 5 images you want to win from our “OSiS Wish it, Pin it, Win it” board to your new board with the hashtags #SchwarzkopfProfessional and #WishitPinitWinit in the caption
4) Comment on the “Wish it, Pin it, Win it” contest image found on our “Wish it, Pin it, Win it” board and in the comment, post the link to your new board in the comment section.
5) Each week Schwarzkopf Professional will randomly pick a winner and grant one of their wishes!
Sounds pretty easy right? It is, especially if you love Pinterest! Look for some of my favorites on the board because they are incredible! I’m talking about the Tiffany Oval tag bracelet, the Apple MacBook Air and the Kindle Fire HD. And those are just a few of the cool things on offer. Check this out, and let me know what you pick to pin! I’d love to see one of The Recessionista readers win. For more information on the contest, watch the video instructions for the Schwarzkopf Professional USA — OSiS Wish it Pin it Win it Contest.
Note: Disclosure, this a a sponsored post so this means I am compensated by the brand to let you know all about it. I’m running this because the prizes are so fantastic, I think it’s good information my readers will want and will want to use to try to win some great prizes.