t/f Tote Bags: Luxury Inspired Totes for Recessionista Prices
Tote bags are some of the most popular handbags for fashionistas. The reason is simple, we all have too much “stuff” to carry, from iPads to cell phones, to money to makeup. Our bags are full and we are literally stumbling under the weight of them. If you like luxury, the odds are you won’t want to fill up an expensive leather bag with all your essentials and electronic devices. Why ruin your good bag carrying all your junk or as the English say “tat?” Enter a new kind of tote bag, “The Together Bag” from t/f Thursday Friday. Thursday Friday (t/f) offers a cute line of tote bags that are made from cheap & cheerful canvas material with the imprint of high-end leather luxury bags on them. That means no animals suffer to make the bags. I was recently gifted with one of the bags at the Lucky Fabb conference in Los Angeles this week. As a lover of the look of some luxury bags, I love the concept. t/f has put a new, playful spin on a canvas bag by making it look upscale. The bags take a light hearted look at the obsession some fashion lovers (self included) have with expensive luxury goods while also paying homage to the beautiful designs of select famous handbags. The t/f bags are cotton canvas totes printed on all sides with images of various iconic luxury bags. I think the bags succeed because they don’t take themselves to seriously, unlike the Oscar de la Renta canvas bag in the Target /Neiman Marcus holiday collection.
My ‘The Together Bag‘ (see picture) has the image of a quilted leather handing on it, perhaps inspired by a Chanel bag. The bags come in various sizes, from a pochette size , to a mini-canvas to full-on beach size tote bag (Height: 12″ / 30.5cm; Width: 17.5″ / 45cm; Depth: 9.5″ / 24cm 28.5″ / 72cm handle.) The inside of “The Together” bag has 3 pockets for storing a cell phone or cosmetics. Even though I was gifted with this bag, I love it and I would’ve paid for one, if I had known about it. I had never seen these before the Lucky Fabb conference. I used the bag yesterday to carry all my conference take aways from Lucky Fabb and it was a god send. If you are interested in these bags, check out Thursday Friday online. Readers of The Recessionista can save 30% off the retail price of the bag with the special promotion code: LUCKYFABB. The large size “The Together Bag” retails for $90.00, so if you use the code you can purchase it for $63.00. The smaller bag retails for $35.00 so with the discount code, the price would be $24.50.
Disclosure: Please note , I don’t make any commission on the sale of these bags, and I am not obligated to write anything about this bag. This is not a sponsored post and I haven’t been paid by t/f. I did receive a bag as a sample. I receive literally hundreds of samples each year for review and I write only about a select handful of products that I really like. This is one of them.