Beauty products

What’s Brick Red and Costs 8 Bucks? Recessionista Nail Polish

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Pictured: The new Essie “recessionista” nail polish

Apparently the time has come for recessionista nail polish. Yes, it’s fire engine red and costs $8.00 US.  I don’t know a thing about it and I haven’t tried it.  I mean, seriously guys, why would anyone who makes Recessionista nail polish (Essie) want to get in touch with the person with trademark and copyright registrations using the term on the Internet &  in Social Media since 2008   I remember when a lot of people used to look at me and say, what does Recessionista mean? Now apparently, it’s a good name for a nail polish.  Go figure!

Naturally I think it should be about 50% of the retail price, or at least there should be some coupons available.  Seems a bit overpriced to my way of thinking.  What do you think readers?


Since 2008, Mary Hall has been the author of The Recessionista Blog, which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 160 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine, ABC News, NBC News and now The Huffington Post, among many others.