The Recessionista’s Preview Review of Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target

Garments from Target’s Lim 3.1 Lookbook
Last week Target held a preview of garments from the upcoming Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target collection. Although the collection isn’t due in stores until Sept. 15, we got a special preview and a chance to inspect the goods. The collection is broken up into pieces arranged according to time of day. There are pieces for morning, noon and evening wear. Special correspondent ,and girl about New York , Lorna Solano of The Fabulous Report was able to attend the press preview for us in New York City. Her report is a surprisingly good evaluation of the collection based on the quality for price.

Menswear from the Target Lim 3.1 collection
“I have to say that this collection is my favorite in a long long time. The quality is very good but these are samples so I hope they stay like that when they hit stores. The handbags are EXCELLENT. I mean so good., ” says Lorna. “The detail is precise, and looks exactly like what you would expect from a Lim bag. The dresses are very structured and very pretty. The silhouettes are ones that I haven’t seen for any of the collabs from Target. Usually, they have the same shapes with few designer touches ( such as changing the fabrics) but this is really Lim. It’s lovely.”

Cocktail dresses and pantsuit from the Lim 3.1 for Target collection
Let’s hope what’s on the rack at Target on Sept. 15th is as good looking as the samples at the press preview. My personal pick from the collection are the handbags at the cocktail dresses. Those look like the original pieces from Lim’s 3.1 collections, very upscale and classy.
Handbags from the Phillip Lim for Target collection: The Press Samples looked great. Photos via Stylescrapbook.comTo see more pictures from the collection, check The Recessionista’s Pinterest board for Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target. The Phillip Lim 3.1 for Target collection features more than 100 items and ranges in price from $19.99 to $299.99 for apparel and $19.99 to $59.99 for accessories