
Target Unveils New Design Partnership Program: The Shops at Target

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Pictured: The Webster at Target dress, priced at $42.99 US

Big Box retailer Target is announcing a new retail marketing approach called, The Shops at Target.  Much like more upscale retailers like Saks, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus and our Los Angeles store Fred Segal, Target will now offer various boutique stores within their store selling specialty goods.  Pictured below are various items from Target’s  new boutique shops which will be in stores and online in May.

Pictured: Sample “Shops at Target” items.

 The Shops at Target, will launch on May 6 at all Target stores and For launch, the shops will feature five exclusive collections across five different product categories, from five different U.S. specialty stores: The Candy Store, Cos Bar, Polka Dog Bakery, Privet House and The Webster.  According to Target, “The collections reflect each shop owner’s unique perspective, offering Target’s guests the opportunity to experience each shop’s distinct aesthetic simply by visiting their local Target store or With prices ranging from $1 for a nail file to $159.99 for an online-only pouf for the home, the five collections total nearly 400 exclusive products.”  Is it me, or does $160.00 seem a bit steep for  a pouf from Tar-jay?

It’s quite a smart marketing strategy on the part of Target, We all know you can visit Target meaning to buy cat litter or toilet paper and instead spend hundreds of dollars on all the other goodies they have on their racks. We’ll have to see if the items offered in the shops at Target translate to quality for consumers.  Stay tuned , it’s all marketing puff until consumers see the items.  With the addition of specialty stores on the premises, it does seem that Target has one upped close competitor Walmart in the goal of attracting more upscale buyers.


Since 2008, Mary Hall has been the author of The Recessionista Blog, which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 160 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine, ABC News, NBC News and now The Huffington Post, among many others.